29 julho, 2012

and most people, you know, when they love each other, they have a problem, and they can work it out. they want to work through everything together. they want to be together and they’re willing to fight to be together. it’s not like they have this love story where they’re in love and everything is great every single minute of the day. I don’t think that exists. but I definitely think people meet each other and they want to fight to maintain a relationship for the rest of their lives.

3 comentários:

  1. Tudo nessa vida é uma constante luta, o bom é que em muitas vezes ganhamos! Eu amo você, e isso é mais uma de minhas vitórias! :D

  2. Você cresceu tanto, e eu estou tão orgulhosa disso. Mesmo que esteja distante.
